Sunday, November 19, 2023

The Lamb alone is Jesus in Revelation 4:1-22:5

The vision starts in Revelation 4:1 and then in Revelation 22:5 the text returns to the original framing device.

I have come to view in the vision only The Lamb as specifically Jesus and only Jesus.  Everything else that seems at first like a symbol for Jesus does so because it's referencing titles of Jesus from elsewhere that were never actually unique to Jesus, The Son of Man in Daniel 7 is a title of all Human Beings at The Resurrection not just Jesus.

This is especially true of The Rider on The White Horse in chapter 19, the language used of him mostly comes from the Promises to The Overcomer from chapter 2-3.  Ruling the Nations with a Rod of Iron connects him to the Man Child of chapter 21 which Isaiah 66 confirms is the reborn nation of Israel. 

The Rider on The White Horse in chapter 19 and perhaps also of chapter 6 is believers on Earth who are "conquering" the world but not in a military sense.  The word translated "Conquering" and "to conquer" in Revelation 6 is actually the word everywhere else translated Overcoming or Overcome.

The Rod of Iron concept comes from Psalm 2 which elsewhere in The New Testament is applied to Jesus but it was never only about Jesus but how every Believer is an Anointed Son of God.  Same is probably true with other Davidic Psalms quoted in The New Testament like 110 and 118, and also Psalm 45.

Heaven being opened can be idiom for Rain as we see in Genesis 7:11, in contrast to Revelation 11 refers to Heaven being Shut Up as an idiom for Draught.

This has become vital to my new Post-Millennial reading of Revelation.

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