Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Launching my new Prophecy Blog

I've changed my views on Bible Prophecy from Mid-Trib Premillennial Futurist to a Revivalist Post-Millennial Patrial Preterist with elements of Historicism.

My old Prophecy Blog was.
Which I was calling "A Chronological View of Revelation"

I'm not gonna delete it because I want to preserve the thoughts I shared there.  Also lots of posts there still apply to my current views and it will take awhile for my takes on all those subjects to be reposted here so people stumbling on this blog wanting to get to know my approach could still find it useful.  My mind was in transition to my new view for a like over a year.  So the most recent something it the more relevant it still is to my current views.  And I could just revive if I change my mind back.

I also recommend checking out my more general Theology Blog where I make my basic stances on Christian Doctrine more clear. 
And while it may now by truly relevant my views on Bible Prophecy I also ask you check out the Blog where I talk about Anime and other Entertainment Media I enjoy.

I still can't be a Full Preterist chiefly because I firmly believe in a Bodily Resurrection as being the core to The Gospel itself.  And so my takes things like the timing Statements are still going to be mostly the same as Futurists.

I want to avoid some of the things that annoyed me about Preterists back when I wasn't one.  Unlike Victorious Eschatology or Inspiringphilsophy I'm not gonna claim my view is inherently more Positive or Opitmistic because when various Prophecies were fulfilled.  No what makes me an Optimist is that I believe in Universal Salvation.  I also don't wanna go around Straw Manning Futurists about things like The Great Commission, or their politics, I was a Futurist who was a Woke Far Left SJW Communist for years so I know they can exist.

I'm gonna spend the rest of this post explaining the basics of what my views are and save actually arguing for them for future posts.  I'm also still undecided on a lot of things so this a journey we can go on together.

I'm different from Standard forms of even Partial Preterism in that I'm not as focused on 70 AD.  There is stuff I view as about 70 AD.  A lot of stuff in Luke is about 70 AD including most of Luke 21 (which is not the same thing the Olivet Discourse), and also Matthew 23 where Zechariah Son of Berechiah I believe refers to Zacharias son of Baruch mentioned by Josephus in Wars of The Jews 4:5:4.  However I view Mark 13 as primarily about the Bar Kochba Revolt.

But most of this blog will probably wind up being about Revelation.  I believe Revelation was written during the reign of Domitian at the soonest or Hadrian at the latest.  The messages to the Seven Church are about the then contemporary context of those churches with some Prophecies for their near future that I think were fulfilled by the end of the era of the Five Good Emperors. But they can also I feel typologically apply to many other forms of Christianity through out history.  

Revelation 4:1-22:6 is a the Vision where I have a fairly Historicist Understanding of Chapter 6 and maybe the Trumpets as well.  The core of my view however lies in that soonest Roman Emperor I feel who can fit the circumstances of The Beast of Revelation 13-19 is Decius in the mid 3rd Century, but even he's unlikely since his reign wasn't 3 and a Half Years.  But the latest Emperor I'm willing to consider still viable is Heraclius in the early 7th Century.

The principal my old Blog had of interpreting Revelation Chronologically also still basically applies, except I am a bit more flexible now.  But I will not be garbling the Chronology the way many other Preterists and Post-Trib Futurists do.


  1. Just saw this. Interested in seeing how things go.

    1. Welcome, and feel free to leave any thoughts you have.


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