Important Topics

A lot of posts on this Blog are going to be somewhat speculative pet theories and not the core to it's overall view.  

Here I want to make easy to find the more core ones, I will be adding posts as they get made, and  they may not always been listed in the order I wrote them.

This post on Justinian is kind of a mix.  It starts out about Daniel 7 where it is largely my definitive view of The Little Horn.  But the stuff about seeing Revelation 6-19 in the time of Justinian is a Pet Theory I'm not so all in on.

Similar with my Maximianus Daza post, that is my definitive view of Ezekiel 30:13, the applicable of Revelation and other Prophecies to that time period is more speculative.

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Did Ephraim return to Egypt?

One of the alleged Bible Contradictions you will see thrown around is Hosea 8:13 and 9:3-6 saying that Ephraim will return to Egypt while Ho...