Thursday, October 19, 2023

Baptism of The Beast

Unlike other examples of me remaking an old blogpost of mine here this I won't modify the text of it to be spoken form my current thinking POV due to it's importance as a turning point in my thinking.  So I shall copy/paste the thoughts I expressed on September 28th 2023, just be aware at the time I still considered myself mainly a Futurist and Pre-Millennial though that obviously changed since.

My ultimate view on The Beast is that's Rome as a collective unit not any individual Emperor or Leader.  I will on this Blog occasionally talk about model for the Fulfilment of Revelation but put the focus on a single Emperor, but my main view is collective.

A factor I should have stressed more in the original is the association of Baptism with Repentance.


Back in 2018 I argued on my other blog that The Lake of Fire is the Baptism of Fire.  It is chiefly part of how I argue for Universal Salvation.  But one implication of that I failed to focus on, The Beast and False Prophet are cast into The Lake of Fire without being killed first.  In other words the chief villains of this narrative become Christians in the context of my Lake of Fire view.  And the significance of that didn't hit me till today, the same day I'm posting this.

Now when I wrote that I wasn't as open to Partial-Preterism/Post-Millenialism as I have been the last couple years.  This Epiphany has increased my openness even more.

But there are still things to work out, it can be compatible with Futurism but it means the "Antichrist" isn't the irredeemable Demon-Man popular fiction based on the End Times likes to Imagine.

The thing is most legitimate Eschatology scholars whether Futurist, Historicist or Preterist do see The beast as in some capacity being Rome.  So I just opened the door to seeing the Christianization of Rome as part of Bible Prophecy.

But I am still not open to Full Preterism and my Post-Millennialism would still have to be Revivalist not Reconstructionist, since The Beast and False prophet are still in The Lake over a Thousand years later the purging of whatever they represent into truly Christ Like Kingdoms is a process that is still ongoing.

One could also consider Ticonius, he is considered the founder of Post-Millennialism yet his version of it went hand in hand with a basically Historicist view of II Thessalonians 2.

The most recent post on that blog about the Edict of Toleration may be relevant to my now developing ideas, but I have lots of details to work out.

As I said before I'll basically retire this Blog and start a new one if I fully leave Futurism, but for now I'm still thinking.

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