Tuesday, October 17, 2023

When in Revelation does The Second Coming happen?

I spent a lot of time prior to creating this blog talking about whether to be Premillennial or Post Millennial or Amillennial based on it's implications on other doctrines.  But I figured I should start this blog by simply addressing the issue directly.

The exact phrase "and the books were opened" occurs in the King James Bible exactly twice, Daniel 7:10 and Revelation 20:12.  The core statements of Jesus and Paul that define the Parousia are quotations from Daniel 7:9-13 but mostly verse 13 so even later.

Daniel 7:11 also supports this as all after The Millennium because if The Fourth beast of Daniel 7 is The Beast of Revelation 13-19 then that Beast isn't killed at the start of the Millennium but is explicitly cast Alive into the Lake of Fire.

I spent a good deal of my time as a Premillennialist considering 1 Corinthians 15 the core of why I had to be Pre-Mill.  Verses 22-28 I repeatedly cited to debunk the notion that only Revelation 20 ever separates The Resurrection into distinct chronological events.  But I now see how even all of that as detailed as it is can still fit entirely into the Post-Millennium portion of Revelation 20.  

Revelation 20:12 is those being Risen at the Parousia and verse 13 is The End when the rest are risen.  I'd already argued there can be more time passing in verse 8 then is traditionally assumed, so likewise the transitioning from verse 12 to 13 may not be so instantaneous either.

2 Peter 3:12 also in context uses the word Parousia for what happens at the end of Revelation 20.

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